3 Signs You Need An Ophthalmologist Instead Of An Optometrist

Many people seek their eye exams and other routine eye care through an optometrist. You might count on your eye doctor for all of your eye-related care, but in some cases, you need the services of an ophthalmologist instead. Even though both are doctors who provide care for their patients' eyes, they don't do the exact same job. An optometrist is considered more of a primary care physician who specializes in the eyes and who offers routine care. [Read More]

3 Tips For Successfully Recovering At Home From A Total Hip Replacement

You're getting your hip replaced and are looking forward to the day when you can walk with no pain. You've also decided to do your recovery at home. To be successful at this, you need to do some preparation before you head into the hospital. Here are the three areas you need to work on before you pack your bag and head off to have your hip surgery. 1. Arrange to Have Help When You Get Home [Read More]

Avoiding Face-Related Injuries: 3 Tips For Keeping Your Child Safe At The Playground

One of the main worries that parents have regarding their children is something happening and them getting hit in the face, which could result in a cracked or knocked-out tooth, skin laceration, fractured cheekbone or something even more severe. You may be able to keep a very close eye on your little one while at home to prevent any type of face-related injuries, but it may not be so easy for you when you head to the local playground. [Read More]

Picking Glasses That Suit Your Face Shape

If you are someone who wears glasses regularly, you will want to take special care in the frames you select so they do not accentuate features you would rather draw the eyes away from. The frames you wear can make a statement and help show others your personality. Picking out a pair of glasses is not that difficult if you stick to a few rules about which frames work well with your specific face shape. [Read More]