Wrap It Up: Reducing Glare And Increasing Safety With Sunglasses

If you're looking for sunglasses in order to protect your eyes and make it easier to see in very sunny conditions, you know you have to look for UV protection and possibly anti-glare coatings. But you've also likely had the experience of putting on sunglasses only to have the sun shining right in that little gap between the edge of the glasses and your skin, rendering the glasses almost useless. It takes more than just grabbing a pair of sunglasses off a rack or getting basic prescription sunglasses to see more easily in bright conditions. [Read More]

What You May Not Know About Hearing Aids: New Technologies For You

When many people think about hearing aids, they assume that they are outdated pieces of medical equipment that are only used by the elderly when they can no longer hear due to old age. However, these assumptions are largely incorrect. Hearing aid technologies are forever changing and improving so that they can better help the people who need them. And, of course, any person, at any age can suffer from hearing loss or deafness. [Read More]

Heading To Drug Or Alcohol Rehab? Make Sure To Pack These Items

Deciding to get help is the first step in recovery, so congratulations on doing that. In fact, it is one of the biggest steps to make, as it demonstrates the fact that you're making the effort to regain control of the reigns on your life and improve your overall health. Now that you have it set up to enter into a rehab program at a local recovery center, you have to figure out what to pack. [Read More]

Having A Baby In Your 30's Or 40's: What You Should Know

While in the past many women had their first child sometime in their early to mid-twenties, today the trend is towards waiting until later in life to have children. With changes in age come changes in health factors and planning when it comes to pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum care. Get to know some of the things you should be aware of when having a baby in your thirties or forties so that you will be better able to care for yourself and your future child through pregnancy and childbirth. [Read More]