4 Amazing Benefits Of Hormone Replacement Therapy

Aging is inevitable, and with it comes a host of changes, not all of them good. One of the more frustrating side effects of growing older is that hormones formerly present in the body at normal levels become imbalanced, which in turn leads to a host of issues. Naturally, these issues are different for women (for whom estrogen is the primary hormone in question) and men (who often see a drop in testosterone levels). [Read More]

3 Reasons To See A Foot Doctor

Your feet are one of the most important parts of your body. However, many people don't care for their feet as they should and they are hard on their feet, and don't get proper medical attention when they experience an injury or a problem. Here are some reasons why you should go see a foot doctor. 1. You Have A Stress Fracture One of the most common injuries of the foot is a stress fracture. [Read More]

When Is It Time To Consolidate Care With One Family Physician?

If you and your spouse have been seeing separate doctors, and your children have been seeing a separate pediatrician, it may be time to look at all of you choosing one family doctor instead of going to all of these different places. While it's nice to stay with your own doctor who knows exactly what's going on with your health, sometimes it's a good idea to consolidate your family's care with one office. [Read More]

Discomfort After The Gym: Rest, Massage, Or Doctor

If you are not someone who is an advanced weight lifter, and you have suddenly jumped into lifting, then you might have experienced some discomfort after a heavy lifting session. This is often the case when someone who is untrained suddenly starts lifting heavy weights. It might just be a case of muscle soreness. However, you also might have injured yourself by either lifting too heavy too soon, or by lifting with improper form. [Read More]