I Need Help: 4 Things You Should Know About Egg Donation

If your fertility doctor has just told you that your hopes of becoming pregnant are going to require an egg donor, you're probably experiencing a great deal of emotions. It's perfectly normal to face this moment with a wide array of emotional responses. It's important to remember that you're still in control of the procedure. Here are four things that you need to know about egg donation. It's Okay to be Overwhelmed [Read More]

Home Improvements For Your Elderly Parent Who Refuses To Enter Assisted Living

If you're elderly parent refuses to leave their home and enter into assisted living, you should consider making some improvements to their current home to make it more safe. Many seniors want to retain a sense of independence and dignity and therefore balk at an ALF (assisted living facility) or the dreaded nursing home. If you're parent is like this, then you can help them live comfortably by making their home safer by having some of the following changes made. [Read More]

Banish School Absences And Sick Days With These Back-To-School Health Tips

If you are a parent whose children are returning to school or daycare after a beautiful summer break, you likely have concerns about your children getting sick. Germs and viruses will naturally spread among children when they go to school, and some children will inevitably get sick. There are some things you can do to reduce the chances of your children having absences due to illness.  Establish a clean hands routine. [Read More]

Are Hot Flashes Leaving You With No Chill? Find Relief With These Simple Steps

Hot flashes are one of the most prevalent and pesky parts of going through menopause. In fact, around 75 percent of women who are going through menopause will experience hot flashes. However, you don't have to just sit back and try to endure it when you start to feel the heat. Take Steps to Prevent Their Severity Since hot flashes are typical for menopausal women, it's good to prepare for the probability that you'll be afflicted by this condition. [Read More]