Managing Asthma For A Newly Diagnosed Child
More than six million children suffer from asthma. If you have a child that was recently diagnosed with asthma, you know just how serious this condition can be. Although it might be stressful to discover this information, don't be discouraged. Managing your child's asthma is something you can accomplish. Here are a handful of tips to keep your child safe and more comfortable while on this new journey.
Identify Triggers
Ensure you are clearly identifying your child's triggers. Triggers irritate the airways, which can quickly escalate an attack. Particularly for those parents with children who have been newly diagnosed with this condition, there is a tendency to overlook the fact that triggers can change with the seasons and with age.
It might be a good idea to closely monitor your child's behaviors and create a log entry each time your child displays signs of irritation. Be specific in your log, notating the weather, anything they ate, and their surroundings.
Use Inhalation Aerosol Properly
Medication is only effective when it is used properly. An effective part of managing your child's asthma correctly is ensuring they are taking their medication as prescribed. Inhalation aerosol is typically designed as a method to help prevent an attack; however, it has to be steadily maintained in the system in order to do this.
A common mistake some parents make is waiting until their child is on the verge of an attack before utilizing the medication. However, it is typically prescribed under a regimen of daily usage. Double-check with the physician how often your child should be using this medication and adhere closely to these guidelines.
Invest In A Peak Flow Meter
In the early stages, it can be difficult to identify when a child is having difficulty breathing, as they might not feel different and you may be unable to hear any differences. It's a good idea for newly diagnosed children to have a peak flow meter at home. Peak flow meters monitor the rate at which the lungs are functioning, similar to spirometers used in the doctor's office.
To use this device, the child simply stands in an upright position and breathes as hard as they can into the meter. The lever then moves to show at which capacity level the lungs are operating; safe, caution and danger zone. Whenever the reading is below the safe zone, this is a sign of airway inflammation and the need for a follow-up.
The more effort you put towards managing your child's condition, the greater their quality of life and the less stress you will have worrying about their condition. For more information about their medication options, contact a company like Aerospan RX.