Pregnancy brings about a lot of changes in your body. Your whole center of gravity can change and you may find that you have a few more aches and pains than usual. If you normally go to the chiropractor for treatment and adjustments, if you are like a lot of people, you will stop going while you are expecting. What you probably do not know is that chiropractic care during pregnancy is perfectly safe.
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4 Tips To Help You Save Your Marriage
Being married can be wonderful, but it is also very hard work. Many marriages hit some bumps in the road through the years, and it's not unlikely for husbands and wives to feel frustrated and become resentful. While divorce is inevitable for some people due to complicated issues, other couples want to make their relationship work but don't know how to get it back on track. Use the following tips to try to save your marriage so you and your spouse can be happy together again:
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5 Signs That You Are A Good Candidate For Laparoscopic Inguinal Hernia Repair
If you are currently suffering from an inguinal hernia, you know just how uncomfortable and dangerous hernias can be. One common form of treatment is laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair, and you could be wondering if it's a good option for you. Not everyone is a candidate for this treatment option, but these are a few signs that it might be right for you.
1. You're Over 18
Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair is only done on children in very extreme and rare cases.
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4 Natural Remedies to Soothe Your Painful Infected Gums
Without proper oral care, which includes daily flossing and brushing, your gums can become infected, sore, inflamed and prone to bleeding. This painful gum conditions is known as gingivitis and is caused by the bacteria P. gingivalis. You should always seek dental care when dealing with gum problems, but while awaiting your dental appointment or to soothe irritated gums while waiting for treatment to work, try one of these 4 natural remedies.
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