Could Arthritis Of The Hips Be The Hidden Cause Of Your Problems?

Could you have arthritis in your hips and not realize it? According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), there are more than 54 million adults in the United States who already have some form of arthritis. By 2040, it's estimated that number will climb to 78 million adults, thanks to the fact that people are generally living longer and remaining more active. Arthritis in the hips, however, can sharply limit your mobility and cause a lot of unnecessary pain. [Read More]

Will Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment Rejuvenate Your Sex Life?

If you're concerned about a decrease in the frequency or quality of sex after having kids, you may wonder whether there's anything you can do to restore your vaginal canal to its pre-kids condition. But, while giving birth can lead to some minute changes in the tone and structure of the vaginal walls, unless you required extensive stitches for tearing or had other complications, the issues you're noticing now may be more attributable to the aging process than the childbearing one. [Read More]

Can A Brain With A Neurodegenerative Disorder Regenerate?

In the past, an idea was floated that the human body replaces itself every seven years and that everyone essentially becomes a new person in that span of time. However, while there are some cells that have a lifespan, there are other cells that can last much longer. In fact, there are some cells that will continue to survive for a couple of days after the human body has passed away. [Read More]

Erectile Dysfunction: Answers To The Most Pressing Questions

Not being able to achieve or keep an erection as a male can interfere with your personal relationships, your emotional well-being, and your self-confidence as a man. About five percent of men who are 40 years old will have erectile dysfunction (ED), and as the age number goes up, the percentage of men with the problem continues to rise. Even though it can be difficult to bring up the topic of ED to your doctor, it is really important to do so because the issue is most often relative to other health concerns. [Read More]