Are Hot Flashes Leaving You With No Chill? Find Relief With These Simple Steps

Hot flashes are one of the most prevalent and pesky parts of going through menopause. In fact, around 75 percent of women who are going through menopause will experience hot flashes. However, you don't have to just sit back and try to endure it when you start to feel the heat. Take Steps to Prevent Their Severity Since hot flashes are typical for menopausal women, it's good to prepare for the probability that you'll be afflicted by this condition. [Read More]

Tips For Helping Teens With Food Allergies Navigate Their Independence

The early years of raising a child with a food allergy can be stressful, but that stress changes when your child reaches his or her teen years and starts going out independently. That newfound independence needs to be balanced with responsibility for his or her allergy. Here are a few tips to help you empower your teen to take charge of their food allergies during this all-important period of self-discovery. [Read More]

When Your Kid Comes Home With Head Lice: What You Can Do

As a parent, there are many worst case scenarios that you hope to avoid when you are caring for your children. Head lice often ranks pretty high on the list. These pests are not only troublesome and difficult to get rid of, they can also be embarrassing to both you and your child. If your child comes home with head lice, you will want to get rid of the lice as quickly and efficiently as possible. [Read More]

How To Prevent Head Lice In Children

For some parents, the mere thought of their child getting head lice sends shivers down their spines. Unfortunately, this is a fairly common thing that can occur to any child. Childhood is one of the most common times that head lice is contracted due to children being in close contact with each other in school, day care centers, camps or any other area where several children may be together at the same time. [Read More]