Rita Fisher

MRI Tests And Claustophobia

If you require an MRI, but have a serious case of claustrophobia, then the test may seem like an impossible one to get through. This is a concern for many individuals, especially since it is difficult to remain still during the procedure when you are so scared. There are a few things that you can do to alleviate your anxiety and make it through the imaging test.  Ask About An Open MRI Machine

Useful Information About Hearing Loss

The ability to hear sounds is one of the most important aspects of the human body. The reason why is because not being able to hear can completely change your life, especially if it is needed for the type of career you have. If you have recently become stressed because your hearing ability has drastically decreased, an examination of your ears should be done by a specialist as soon as possible.

Common Reasons A Person May Need An MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a type of medical imaging technique that gives health care professionals the ability to see what is going on inside a person's body. An MRI may be ordered in an emergency situation, after something is noticed on an x-ray, ultrasound, or CT scan that needs to be looked at closer, or as a way to follow up on a patients condition after surgery or other medical treatments.

3 Treatment Options For Your Child With ADHD

From an inability to focus on simple tasks to constant fidgeting, the signs and symptoms of ADHD can wreak havoc on your child's life. If your child is part of the 5 million children currently living with ADHD, knowing your options for effective treatment is smart. Thankfully, you and the pediatrician can work together to find the best course of treatment for your child's needs. Here are a few treatments your child's doctor may suggest as a way of managing ADHD.

Vaginal Rejuvenation And Its Benefits

Vaginal rejuvenation is an increasingly popular procedure that involves the tightening of the vaginal muscles and opening to the specifications of the patient. The procedure, which typically lasts no more than a couple of hours, increases the muscle tone of the vagina, enhancing the muscular strength and the patient's control of those muscles.  Here is a bit of information about this revolutionary new procedure to help you understand its benefits.

Why Mental Health Is Equally As Important As Physical Health

The human brain is full of wonder and mystery. It is the organ allowing you to perceive, understand, and shape the world you're living in. It is even the last organ to shut down after death. With the centrality of the brain to human health and function, it is only fitting to treat its malfunction as a health priority without the unnecessary stigma. Mental health is important to understand because it affects a significant portion of the population.

Three Remarkable Ways Home Health Care Helps With Chronic Disease

Having a chronic disease puts a lot of obstacles in your way of living a happy life. The simplest tasks turn into the impossible. You don't have to struggle anymore when you utilize home health care. It can benefit your life in many crucial ways.  Maintain Communications with Different Doctors Some chronic diseases, such as cancer and ALS, are debilitating to the point where you don't want to do anything. Then, you're faced with the challenge of remembering doctor visits and figuring out what medication to take.

Five Things To Keep In Mind If You're Raising A Child With Type 1 Diabetes

It can be frightening and stressful to learn that your child has type 1 diabetes. However, it's important to realize that type 1 diabetes is very manageable nowadays. With proper care, your child can be healthy and happy, despite a recent diagnosis of type 1 diabetes. The following are five things that any parent who's raising a child with type 1 diabetes needs to keep in mind: The most important thing you need to be sure of is that your child is informed and understands the condition.

A Breast Lift Can Improve Your Body Shape And Make You Feel More Comfortable

It's normal for your breasts to sag as you get older, especially if you have large breasts. Loss of skin elasticity and nursing your children can affect the appearance of your breasts as you age. Weight loss can also cause your breasts to sag when you lose a lot of weight and are left with excess skin. This can happen even when you're young. One way to deal with this problem is to have breast lift surgery.

Elderly Parents Live In A Two Story House? Help Them By Installing A Stair Lift

If your elderly parents own and live in a house that has two or more floors, you may be concerned about the dangers of them using the staircase. Mobility is often a problem for the elderly and can continue to worsen as they get older. Stairs can be dangerous and a fall from stairs can cause broken hips and serious head injuries. Because of this, it's not a decision to take lightly.