3 Treatment Options For Your Child With ADHD
From an inability to focus on simple tasks to constant fidgeting, the signs and symptoms of ADHD can wreak havoc on your child's life. If your child is part of the 5 million children currently living with ADHD, knowing your options for effective treatment is smart. Thankfully, you and the pediatrician can work together to find the best course of treatment for your child's needs. Here are a few treatments your child's doctor may suggest as a way of managing ADHD.
Prescription medications are usually the first suggestion your doctor will make if your child is struggling to cope with the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD.
Stimulant medications may help your child focus and attention, keeping them more attune in the classroom and at home. Unfortunately, there is no proof that these medications are effective long-term. In addition, many of these medications have numerous side effects, which can cause further problems for your child.
It is also important to note that these medications are most effective when used in addition to other forms of treatment.
If your child's ADHD is causing them to exhibit issues with their behavior, therapy may be recommended to use in addition to prescription medications.
While surprising to learn, the majority of this therapy can be described as common sense parenting. However, consulting a licensed therapist who is experienced in pediatric ADHD is beneficial.
During this therapy, your child will need to learn the basic rules that they need to follow in school and at home. Make sure they understand what is expected out of them each day in each environment. If necessary, write out a clear plan or schedule that they can routinely follow.
Rewarding your child may seem simple, but it is an excellent way for your child to learn proper behavior. Rewards do not always need to be physical or materialistic. A simple comment to praise your child after they show good, positive behavior is sufficient in many instances.
Exercise does not cure everything, but it can be incredibly rewarding for children living with ADHD.
Recent studies have shown regular physical activity improves cognitive function in children while decreasing the symptoms of ADHD. Exercise boosts the brains' production of endorphins, which will improve your child's overall mood. Exercise is also effective for increasing blood flow, which reduces inflammation and emotional distress that many children with ADHD have.
Make sure your child spends time exercising each day. Not only will you see an improvement in their overall behavior, but they will also be better equipped to focus on tasks without any interruptions or fidgeting.
If you are a parent of a child with ADHD, ask their pediatrician for assistance. One or more of these treatment options can help your child live a normal lifestyle.