Rita Fisher

Signs Of A Sinus Infection

Sinusitis, or a sinus infection as it is commonly known, occurs when the cavities inside of your nose become deeply swollen and inflamed. However, this doesn't tell you much, as many people do not even notice this is the case, at first. However, there are some definitive signs of a sinus infection. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn just a few of these signs of a sinus infection.

The Four Causes Of Skin Conditions And How Your Dermatologist Discerns Which One Caused Your Skin Issues

Human skin acts as a barrier against everything that could cause your internal body parts to become sick or diseased. So what happens when your skin itself appears to have a problem? A dermatologist looks at your skin issue and determines if it has occurred because of one of the following causes. Then he or she will treat it in a way that combats the root of your skin condition.

Helping Your Child Through The Flu

If you think your child may have the flu, you want to give them a chance to get over it on their own as long as there are no other underlying issues that increase their chances of them experiencing complications. The information below will help you get your child through the flu in the most comfortable and healthiest way possible. Controlling their fever It's normal for your child to have a fever when they have the flu.

Ear Health And Hearing Aids: How Your Ear Hygiene Habits Makes A Difference In Hearing Aid Effectiveness

Hearing aids are very effective at helping you hear better and clarify sounds and voices around you. However, if you begin to hear muffled sounds and voices, you may want to take a closer look at your own ear hygiene habits. (This is more likely the cause than any psychological problem, and easier to address.) The following highlights some common ear hygiene problems that effect your hearing aids' clarity. Excess Hair in the Auditory Canal

Make A Quick Recovery After Getting A Ceramic Dental Crown With 3 Easy Tips

Getting a dental crown may be necessary due to a tooth having a large chip or due to being unhappy with the size or shape of a tooth. If your dentist has recommended that you get a dental crown and you are opting for a ceramic crown for its natural appearance, you may be uncertain about what comes next. Unlike major dental surgeries, you can expect to feel back to normal in just a week's time, but you still need to take it easy for the first few days after the procedure.

3 Tips For Treating And Managing Benign Brain Tumors

Brain tumors, especially benign tumors, may be found on imaging tests when other neurological problems are suspected. If you have recently been diagnosed with a brain tumor, there are some considerations to help you determine the best course of action and ensure your neurologist is fully informed about your symptoms. Involve Those Closest To You When possible, a close friend or family member is an important part of determining the right treatment plan.

What You Should Know About Chorionic Villus Sampling

With proper screening, many women can learn if their child has a birth defect and be in a better position to make an informed decision about that child. While the chorionic villus sampling (CVS) test is less common than amniocentesis, it's also an important test for detecting genetic disorders. It's important know what this screening procedure involves, what it can help you find, and what the risks involved are. About The Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) Test

3 Easy-Peasy Ways To Avoid Back Pain As A Runner

Running is a preferable workout activity for a lot of people for three reasons: It is easy, requires no equipment, and can be done just about anywhere. Even though running, whether it is to get fit or shed a few pounds, is convenient enough, this is one physical activity that can cause some back pain. Running can put a lot of pressure on the spine, especially if you are not very fit or have existing spinal issues.

Wrap It Up: Reducing Glare And Increasing Safety With Sunglasses

If you're looking for sunglasses in order to protect your eyes and make it easier to see in very sunny conditions, you know you have to look for UV protection and possibly anti-glare coatings. But you've also likely had the experience of putting on sunglasses only to have the sun shining right in that little gap between the edge of the glasses and your skin, rendering the glasses almost useless. It takes more than just grabbing a pair of sunglasses off a rack or getting basic prescription sunglasses to see more easily in bright conditions.

What You May Not Know About Hearing Aids: New Technologies For You

When many people think about hearing aids, they assume that they are outdated pieces of medical equipment that are only used by the elderly when they can no longer hear due to old age. However, these assumptions are largely incorrect. Hearing aid technologies are forever changing and improving so that they can better help the people who need them. And, of course, any person, at any age can suffer from hearing loss or deafness.