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Home Care Services Provided By Your Hospital's Home Care Department Enable You To Continue Living At Home

Some senior citizens are used to doing everything for themselves and feel that they can handle it all as they grow older. Of course, your health and financial situation and any family support you have will generally define whether you can expect to live at home as you age. There are issues that you should think about before making the decision as to whether you should continue living at home in the future, and knowing home health care options can assist in making the right decision.

Consider Your Medical Condition

If you have medical conditions that could worsen when you cannot help yourself, you should take that into account. You can live a long life even if you are a diabetic. Hopefully, you can maintain your own nutrition meals, check your glucose levels, go out for walks and do other exercises. With a little help from a family member in keeping your kitchen cabinets well-stocked with the right kinds of food and your refrigerator loaded with fresh vegetables and fruits, you could easily stay living at home.

However, if you don't have family support or friends who will be able to offer you help as you grow older, then you might want to start planning for home care services to be delivered from your local hospital's Home Care Department.

Medicare Pays For Home Care Service

Medicare will pay for 80 percent of your home care medical services that include physician care and rehabilitation services such as physical therapy and occupational therapy, if you require those services. If you have purchased Medigap insurance coverage, that also covers the 20 percent balance on your bills.

Social Worker Financial Evaluation

Hospital home care departments employ staff social workers who will evaluate your financial background to determine whether you are eligible for Medicaid insurance coverage. In that case, Medicaid will pick up the percentage of your bill that Medicare does not cover.  

Nursing Service Is Covered

Home care service is an ideal arrangement that allows you to remain in your home while receiving all the services you need as a package. Nursing service is covered, and a social worker will be assigned to you. The social worker will evaluate you to arrange for a live-in nurse's aide professional to work in your home when you need that service. You may require nurse's aide care during the daytime only at the start. Later, the social worker can evaluate you for 24-hour aide service depending on your healthcare condition.   

What A Nurse's Aide Can Do For You

All nurse's aide workers are well-trained professionals who can dispense your medication, monitor your vital signs, assist you with your bath, cook meals, do your food shopping and perform light housekeeping duties. They will also take you to your library and neighborhood senior citizens community center for recreational activities.

For more information about how home care services can help you, talk with your hospital's Home Care Department or other private health care providers, like Champion Home Health Care.
